Principal’s Address
You are very welcome to the website of Ursuline College Sligo.
Ursuline College is a dynamic and progressive school that focuses on creating the optimum learning and teaching environment for all our students. Ursuline College staff work hard to provide an all-round education for the students who attend our school and to build a sense of community that supports, encourages and challenges them during their journey through the school and beyond.
The philosophy of Ursuline education is based on the teachings of St Angela Merici, foundress of the Ursuline congregation. In her writings, she emphasised:
- personal relationship with God;
- the holistic education of each individual;
- the dignity and uniqueness of each person;
- the importance of courtesy and kindness;
- the fostering of courage and confidence to live in justice and truth;
- the encouragement of a caring and respectful attitude towards self, others and the environment.

Within this context, we encourage students at Ursuline College Sligo to reach their academic potential, develop their gifts and talents, acquire self-discipline and leadership skills and become responsible guardians of our planet.
Sport, music and choirs, voluntary and community activities, pastoral care, collaboration and leadership are all central to the curricular and extra-curricular life of the school. Innovation and creativity are promoted through participation in local and national events. Ursuline students participate in a wide range of activities that enable them to work towards creating a better society and contributing towards improving the lives of others.
We appreciate the thoughtfulness, creativity, graciousness and honesty, along with the hard work, self-discipline, enthusiasm, caring and initiative of the students of Ursuline College who enhance the well-being of the school community.
Student well-being is supported by our dedicated pastoral care team of Class Tutors, Year Heads, Guidance Counsellor, Home Youth Liaison Officer, Special Education Coordinators and Deputy Principal. First Year students are also paired with a 6th Year Mentor who supports them during the transition to secondary school. Working collaboratively with open and honest communication between students, staff and parents/ guardians, is an essential part of our school ethos. This process is supported by our active Student Council and Parents Association.
Staff, students and parents/guardians together work hard to achieve the aims of the College. We are committed to creating a learning community where your daughter will feel supported, encouraged and valued on her journey through secondary school.
With every good wish,
Colm McIntyre