Pastoral Care
There is a wide pastoral care network available to all students throughout their years in the school.
Class Tutor
Each class is assigned a class tutor. He/ She acts as a mentor to every student in that class and oversees the day to day running of the class. The class teacher is advised by subject teachers of any problems which may arise and deals with these in conjunction with the teacher and the student in a caring and fair manner.
Year Head
Each year group has a year Head assigned to it. The year head is available to students, encouraging them to do their best. He/she is concerned with the personal development of students and promotes positive aspects of good discipline and behaviour. He /she liaises with Class Tutors, class teachers and parents. The responsibilities of the year head also include identifying pupils who may be experiencing difficulties.
Additional needs
Students with additional educational needs are catered for by the Additional needs Coordinator Ms. Natalie Reilly and a number of teachers who assist in her work. Additional Individual Educational Programmes are devised for students with special needs. Parents are encouraged to inform and liaise with the Additional needs Coordinator regarding any difficulties students may be experiencing.
Guidance Programme
The School Guidance Programme aims to support students at all stages in their education to enable them to make responsible and informed personal educational and career choices. The school councillors have the expertise and knowledge to help student make choices regarding personal and social issues, educational issues and career planning. The Guidance Programme in Ursuline college aims to support students at all stages in their education to enable them to make responsible and informed personal, educational and career choices.
School Chaplain
Our school chaplains Mrs. Edel Muuray and Sr. Dorothy are available to all students and to sixth years in particular. They provide them with the opportunity to have a confidential chat, to discuss matters of concern or to seek advice.
Pastoral Department
The Pastoral team consists of religion teachers, teachers who are part of the fund raising teams and the school chaplain Sr. Dorothy.
Ursuline College Pastoral programme includes:
- Reconciliation services for all students once a year
- Retreats for all years
- Carol service for the whole school
- Ash Wednesday service
- Opening Mass for all students
- 6th year Graduation Mass
- November Services of Remembrance
- John Paul 11 Awards
- Retreats for all years
- Trocaire sponsored Fast
- Fund raising for the St. Vincent de Paul and other charities