This year, the Student Council organised a Random Act of Kindness week which took place form 26th February – 6th March. The aim of the week was to radiate kindness throughout the school and to promote the ethos of our school which in the words of St Angela is ‘to be kind, be caring and be gentle’.
At the beginning of the week, random act of kindness slips were passed around. The idea was once a student received a random act of kindess, they passed it on to another student and coloured in a square on the random act of kindness chart placed on the pillar inside the yellow doors. This chart illustrated the progress of the students and encouraged others to get involved.
Each day had a different theme. Monday was Mindfulness Monday, and Wednesday Walk In My Shoes Wednesday.

Think about it Tuesday encouaged students to think about the ‘Enviroment’. The Student Council and the Green Council came together to highlight the harmful effect that our use of plastic can have on the environment. The Green Council created a ‘Wave’ out of plastic bottles , which was displayed inside the yellow doors. This reminded us of the damaging effects that our excessive use of plastic can have on the environment,in particular on Marine Life.
Our school enthos based on the teachings of St Angela enourages a caring and respective attitude towards self, others and the environment.
Students fully embraced the week and the new sense of brightness was papable throughout the school.
We would like to talk the Student Council in particular for all their hard workin ensuring that this week was a success. Thank you to the Green Council, the students and staff who also participated in this week.