This year, there are 5 successful projects, from the Ursuline College Sligo, accepted to display at the BT Young Scientist Exhibition in January 2018. They consist of 1 individual entry and 4 group entries. Eimear Kearins is presenting a senior Technology project to do with first aid and CPR awareness. Ellen Bastible and Laura Keane are working on an intermediate Behavioural Science project investigating the reasons and stages at which girls move away from STEM subjects. Eilis Burke, Tara Duggan & Amy Hopkins are entered in the intermediate Behavioural Science section with a project on humans’ ability to change sensitivity of each sense when deprived of specific senses. Fatma Dogan, Leah Fehrmann & Grainne Devaney are in the intermediate Chemistry, Physics & Maths section with a new take on speaker design and how to create a DIY loudspeaker kit. Bebhinn Reilly, Rose Peyton & Elizabeth Bartlett are studying the perception abilities of humans to time, when exposed to different environments in an intermediate Behavioural Science project. All students have already begun working on their projects and hope to have them completed before Christmas, for presentation in January. Best of luck also to Eva Delahunt, Taylor Lynch, Carrie McDaid, Maedhbh Spain, Eile O’Reilly, Roscha Davitt, Leah Moylan & Ailbhe Foley who unfortunately didn’t make it to the final in January but are nevertheless continuing their projects for display in Scifest later in 2018. All students have put in a lot of work to date and deserve congratulations for their efforts.
Main photo: Eilis Burke, Tara Duggan and Amy Hopkins
‘Humans’ Ability to Change the Sensitivity of Each Sense When Deprived of Specific Senses’

Eimear Kearins – First Aid and CPR awareness
Leah Fehrmann, Fatma Dogan and Grainne Devaney
‘New take on speaker design and how to create a DIY loudspeaker kit.’
Best Display
Laura Keane and Ellen Bastiblem
‘Reasons and Stages at Which Girls Move Away from STEM Subjects’
Highly Commended
Rose Peyton , Bebhinn Reilly, & Elizabeth Bartlett ‘
The perception abilities of humans to time, when exposed to different environments’