4D YSI busy making bee hotels to hang around our school grounds to provide a habitat for our bees and insects as part of our Climate Action Project #YSI BeeHotels #SaveThePlanet #savethebees #weareucs @lecheiletrust1

What a pleasure to present 16 fantastic students with their silver GAISCE awards in recognition of their dedication to self improvement and community involvement. Thanks to Mayor @tommacsharry for presenting the students with their awards #weareucs @GaisceAward @lecheiletrust1

Mr. McIntyre was thrilled to attend the Naughton Scholarship ceremony in Trinity to see our past pupil Ciara O’Collalláin receive her scholarship having earned 7 H1’s in LC24. We couldn’t be more proud Ciara! #weareucs #bród @lecheiletrust1

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Ursuline College Sligo

Our Mission

Ursuline College Sligo is a school where students are educated in partnership with parents in a catholic and caring community; where each individual is respected as unique; where every aspect of the person is developed and where students are prepared to take their place in society as responsible citizens; where each individual is respected as unique; where every aspect of the person is developed and where students are prepared to take their place in society as responsible citizens.

Click here or on the image to see Virtual Tour of Ursuline College Sligo.






Information on School Life for New First Years